As I get back to France in ten days (after a trippy week in Darwin), I've checked the gigs in Rennes. I hardly found correct concerts (as always, winter is a fucked up season for concerts in France), but I believe the few I noticed will really be sick.
I was happy to learn that electronic music is still growing hard in Britanny. With Antiplastic, we finally have an electro fest IN Rennes and IN winter. Even if I only listen to the French band
dDamage regularly, other names (such as Menthine) sound good to me. Also don't miss the
Martin Libertin mix, the same night. Anyway, this will be a 100% French electro festival!
Later in february,
Ez3kiel is touring all around France for the promotion of Battlefiel (which I haven't listened yet). So, if you like
Jarring Effect and if you're a fan a of deep ambient electro dub, you really can't miss that shit.
The really really good surprise is that they're touring with
Robert le Magnifique! You should know him as the live DJ of
Rubin Steiner last year, but he also released three sick electro hip hop albums on
idwet (a very nice French hip hop label). I guess this really makes Ez3kiel's tour unmissable.
dDamage - Pull the Plug
Zshare linkEz3kiel - Via Continuum
Zshare link(I don't have any Robert le Magnifque tune with me now, but you can check his Myspace.)